Three people walking together Three people walking together

Schmidt Science Fellows

The Schmidt Science Fellows program brings together the world’s best emerging scientists and places them in a postdoctoral fellowship in a field different from their existing expertise.



Schmidt Science Fellows brings together the brightest minds who have completed a PhD in the natural sciences, mathematics, engineering, or computing, and places them in a fellowship in a field different from their existing expertise. The program funds training for the scientists and the research they undertake, and creates a community of interdisciplinary leaders. The program is an initiative of Schmidt Sciences.

Group of people gathered around a phone Group of people gathered around a phone

Our impact

The Schmidt Science Fellows’ impact in the world includes:

145 Schmidt Science Fellows in a global community representing 34 nationalities
10,000s of proteins screened by Fellow’s new AI to identify cancer targets in cellular condensates
90% cheaper health tests possible from Fellow-designed antibody detection platform

We are Schmidt Science Fellows

Featured fellows


Schmidt Science Fellows fights COVID-19

Learn more on the Schmidt Science Fellows website