Two men standing around a table setting up computers Two men standing around a table setting up computers

VESRI Advisory Board

The Virtual Earth System Research Institute Advisory Board (VESRI-AB) is charged with advising Schmidt Futures on how to structure a sustained, long-term (5-10 years) investment in climate science.

Current Advisory Board Members

Peter Cox (Chair)

University of Exeter

Ilkay Altintas

University of California, San Diego

Cecilia Bitz

University of Washington

Mark Cane

Columbia University

Isaac Held

Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (retired)

Tapio Schneider

California Institute of Technology

Emily Schuckburgh

University of Cambridge

Sabrina Speich

École Normale Supérieure

Advisory Board Alumni

Valerie Masson-Delmotte


Sonia Seneviratne

ETH Zurich

Man typing on laptop Man typing on laptop
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